District Councillors – Jan 2020
We have been informed that the current Eastern District Councillor is stepping down for personal reasons. We wish to thank Vinnie for his work within the Eastern District and on MYA Council. Hopefully, we will still see you on the water soon!
We know that the Eastern District committee will be working hard to find a suitable replacement. MYA Council members will be supporting them in their efforts. In doing so, it is timely to briefly describe the role of a District Councillor.
What is the role of a District Councillor?
Some of our club members may not be aware of the role of the District Councillor (DC) and what it entails when a volunteer puts their name forward.
The MYA Council does not appoint the District Councillor – it is a local appointment from within your district.
The role is quite broad and for someone who is keen, has a passion for the sport and wishes to put something back in to their district sailing. Primarily, it is a role involved in the district, helping and assisting clubs and skippers near to you. Each district has a slightly different role for their councillor; in some districts they are the head of a small group, in others they are part of the district committee; in all instances the work they do is a great support to the local membership. This contact with the local membership is vital to the feedback available to the MYA Council.
Where does the District Councillor fit in to the MYA Council?
At its very basic, the role of DC gives that person the right to vote on MYA Council decisions; one DC vote for each district hence having the same voting rights as the executive officers of the MYA. This is important as it gives a direct connection to the club member’s views and allows the district a voice in MYA Council discussions and votes on decisions. However, this is secondary to the role the DC’s play in communicating the activity within the sport, both up to MYA Council and down to the membership. Whilst MYA Council can communicate via electronic means, the DC is often the face to face contact that the membership receives and is a vital component of the sport, something the council officers appreciate and realise is a core element in the running of the sport.
So, why have we written this short note?
Currently the MYA has only three District Councillors (Scottish, Northern, Midland) out of six. The other districts (Eastern, South Western, Met & Southern) do not currently have any representation or voice back to MYA Council. It is important that each district has a volunteer to step up as this is what makes the MYA complete from the grassroots up and ensures that the sport in the UK stays at the forefront.
I’m interested, what can I do?
Simple, give any of your district committee a call or email them, contacts are in the Yearbook or on your district or MYA websites, alternatively, contact any officer of the MYA and they will pass your details on to the MYA Chair who will contact you and have a chat.
Please, do volunteer it can be fun, and it’s certainly interesting. Further information on the roles within the MYA can be found at https://www.mya-uk.org.uk/kb/mya-governance-council/