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Members 5 questions
  • How do I enter an event?
    1. Go to the event calendar here. If a Notice of Race has been published there will be a “View / enter online” link in the end column under the relevant event.
    2. Click that link and the event page will open.
    3. If online entry is available there will be a button to “Enter Online” or “Enter Online and Pay”.
    4. Click that button and complete the form.
    5. You will receive a confirmation email of your entry details. (Note – entry is not confirmed until the event organiser sends you confirmation).
    6. If you do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, email or phone the event organiser and not the MYA. The organiser’s details will be on the event page, or in the notice of race.
  • How do I become a Measurer?

    The MYA is delegated authority in a formal agreement with the RYA to appoint Official Measurers.

    More information can be found here MYA Measurers – How to Become One – Model Yachting Association Great Britain (

  • How do I access the Members Area?

    Logging into the members area requires a valid email address and password. The Members Area can be found Here

    If you are visiting the members area for the first time you will need to ask the system for a password reset. The link for this is on the login page.

    If you still cannot login please email the Digital Communications Officer

  • How and where can I buy or sell a boat?

    If your a newcomer you will want to start sailing as soon as possible. Decide which class you are interested in. If it’s one of the DF Classes you can probably purchase a new boat from stock.

    Buying a new boat for all the other classes will take some time to deliver. In some cases 6 months to a year. In this case it would be best to buy a used boat to get you sailing.

    If you have already joined a club its likely there are one or two boats for sale by club members. We do have a classifieds section in our forum where you will find used boats. Do ensure that you follow the guidelines for purchasing which are available in the forum.

    If you want a new boat then we recommend using one of our Suppliers who can found Here

    MYA members can sell their unwanted boats in our classifieds section of the forums. Make sure you have a forum account as the forum is not directly linked to the members area.

    Classifieds section.

    Register for a forum account.

  • How do I access the MYA Forums?

    Our Forums can be found here

    Forum accounts are automatically created for new MYA members if they have supplied a valid email address when they joined. If you are an existing member and cannot login to the forums You must register an account yourself. Register here

Clubs 4 questions
  • How can I update our Club Information on the MYA websites?

    We have an online form which is under the main menu – membership – MYA Club Update Form. Use the link below.

  • I’m a Club Rep or Secretary, how can I see my Club details and our list of MYA members?

    There are two methods.

    Method 1

    1. Log into the members area here MYA Members Area
    2. From the MYA Clubs page find your club and click on the “view details” link in the end column.
    3. The page that opens contains all your club details and below that there is a list of your current MYA members.
    4. If any of this information is incorrect please contact the Membership Secretary.


    Method 2

    1.  Log into the members area here MYA Members Area
    2. Click on the “Members List”.
    3. Click on the “Add Filters” button.
    4. Change the first column “Where” to “Club”, leave the middle column to “is”, then click select on the third column and choose your club from the dropdown. Finally click “Submit”.
    5. If any of this information is incorrect please contact the Membership Secretary.
  • What are the current membership renewal fees and what is the renewal process?

    Subscription Fees

    Subscription Year: 1st Jan – 31st Dec

    In line with the Constitution, we announce the Membership Subscriptions for the following year in July. An email is sent to all MYA members and an announcment is made on our website.

    You can find the current and renewal fees on our Joining the MYA page.

    Renewals Process

    Just after the AGM (end of November) our membership secretary sends out a renewals spreadsheet to all MYA Clubs. This email will go to the designated Club Rep or the person that deals with the Clubs membership (where we know).

    The spreadsheet contains a list of the clubs current MYA members. The sheet must be returned by email or post by the 31st December indicating which members are renewing their subscription, and any alterations to the existing details we hold for those members. Please be aware that members do update their own profiles and in some cases may not have informed their club of a change, so please ensure the correct information is used.

    Payment must then be made by the Club for the total number of members renewing. This can be made by Bank Transfer, online using a Debit or Credit Card, or by Cheque. We do urge clubs to use the first two methods as cheques often go missing in the post and create additional work our end.

    All of this information, together with payment details will be included in the membership secretarys email to the Club, sent just after the AGM.

    Please ensure we have the correct contact details for the Club Rep. Check this on our MYA Clubs page – “View Details” link

    Once memberships are renewed, the membership secretary will inform the Club. The first batch of new membership cards and Yearbooks will be sent out early January, followed by futher batches later in January.

  • How do I add a new member to the MYA?

    There are a couple of ways to obtain MYA Membership for a new member.

    1. Contact the membership secretary and request the link to an online form where you complete the new member details and make payment with a credit or debit card. This is the fasted method.
    2. Contact the membership secretary and include the details listed below. The membership secretary will reply and send you the bank transfer details. Make the bank transfer.

    Details Required
    a) Your Club
    b) New Member Name
    c) New Member Address
    d) New Member Email
    e) New Member Home Phone
    f) New Member Mobile Phone
    g) New Member Class of Boats Owned (DF95, IOM ect)
    h) If the new member is a junior (under 18), include their date of birth.

    Membership Secretary contact details
    Contact form and Fees

    Postal Address
    28 Turvin Crescent
    CM20 2FW

General 2 questions
  • How do I learn the radio racing rules?

    On the water experience at club and open event is the best place to learn together with reading the expert rule books. Bryan Willis’ ‘The racing rules in practice’ is very good as it shows typical racing situations and outlines the rights and obligations of the boats.

    We have some excellent videos that will help understand the basics in our knowledgebase here

    We have a beginners guide to the Racing Rules for Radio Control Yachts here

    Or if you have specific question why not ask it in our Racing Rules forum? here


  • What does MYA Insurance cover?

    The Association arranges on behalf of the individual Members, a Public & Products Liability Insurance policy that provides an indemnity limit of £5,000,000 per claim.

    In order to ensure that it provides cover for the said individual Members, the policy is arranged in the name of ‘The Committee and members FTTB (for the time being) of The Model Yachting Association jointly and severally for their respective rights and interests’.

    The basis of the policy is to provide indemnity where the Member is legally liable for injury to a Third Party or causes Third Party property damage or loss. The policy does not however cover damage to property in the care, custody or control of the said member. In the event of a Third Party Property damage claim the policy subject is subject to a £500 excess.

    The policy provides indemnity for Members based in Great Britain Northern Ireland the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands and also extends to include occasional International Model Yachting events but excluding North America, Canada and territories where the UK Foreign Office recommends avoiding travel.

    So now you know! Please note that over the years some misconceptions about what is and is not covered may have arisen (eg: Clubs are NOT covered), so please read the above as it is quite short and then, if you have any further questions, please notify either your District Councillor or the MYA Treasurer.

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