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Heat Management System – Software

Heat Management System – Software

A few scorers have recorded difficulties in running HMS on their computers when using Microsoft 365. A diagnostic search has found that the online version of Excel struggles to run the software, and the fix is to down the App…

Calling all UK IOM Sailors

Calling all UK IOM Sailors

Whether you are a dedicated club sailor or out and out racer who likes travelling, I need your help. Please can you complete an online survey which should take less than 5 minutes. It will help with planning the diary…


HMS 2022 and MYA SSI’s 2022

The Heat Management System (HMS) and the associated HMS Scoring Spreadsheet have been updated from HMS 2016 v1 to HMS 2022 v1. The update incorporates the new scoring abbreviations of ‘NSC – Not Sailed the Course’ and ‘UFD – U…


Event Organisers Handbook -2020 Edition

The MYA Event Organiser’s Handbook has recently been updated and is now available within the MYA Knowledge Base, it is well worth downloading and printing a copy off for reference. Thanks to all those who contributed in the original…


Event Emergency Contact Forms.

Are you running events? Are you entering events? Do you read the Notice of Race? If you do and it says that the event rules include the MYA SSI’s then you should be prepared to complete the emergency contact form…


MYA Race Levy 2018

At the recent council meeting and as a response to members comments at the 2017 AGM, the MYA Council has decided to re-introduce the MYA Race Levy for MYA National Championships and Ranking events. The intention of the levy is…


Race Management – Guidance

Running and organising races is part of the sport, at some stage you will be asked to give a little back to the club or skippers who you have been sailing alongside and helping to run an event is the…

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