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Eastern District A.G.M Minutes – 2 November 2024


Mark Dennis                Chairman
Vinnie Zammit             District Councillor
Andy Start                    Racing Secretary
Alf Reynolds                Secretary

Apologies for absence:

Geoff Josey        `         Norwich
Stuart Jessup               Webmaster
John Hanton                Broads (sent to old Email)

Minutes of last AGM:

These had been circulated, and where approved.

Matters arising:

The only matter arising was the continued lack of interest from the District membership.

Chairman’s report:

The Chairman had nothing to report.

Secretary’s report:

The secretary had nothing to report.

District Councillor’s report:

See attached.

Fixture list 2025:

The racing secretary had produced a racing calendar, which was approved and will be posted on the District website

Election of Officers:

There were no nominations for replacement officers. So all were re-elected.

Chairman                          Mark Dennis
Vice-Chairman                 Malcolm Button
District Councillor        Vinnie Zammit
Racing Secretary             Andy Start
Webmaster                      Stuart Jessup
Secretary                          Alf Reynolds

Racing Matters:

Here is now a  new qualified Measurer within the District namely Lester Gilbert. This led to a discussion regarding the need for all boats to be measured  even at club level.

MD stated that Chelmsford would be holding the Oliver Lee Trophy for IOMs on the 28th September 2025, this date had not be included in previous calendar because it was dependent upon the Blackwater  SC finalising their own sailing calendar,

MD noted that he had half of a trophy that used to for a District interclub team/match racing event, it was felt to be a good idea to re-instate the event, and to this end VZ offered to organise one at Whittlingham  with a proposed date of Sunday 27th April probably in IOMs.

Worker of the Year Trophy:

This in a break with tradition was presented to a club rather than an individual, the recipient was Huntingdon , Andy Start received on teir behahalf.

Any other business:

It was suggested that the venue for the AGM should rotate around the District to attract better participation but on reflection it was decided to remain at Channels, although the date for next year was set for the 1st of November 2025 so it could go into the events calendar.

Alf Reynolds

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