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2024 MYA Scottish District DF65 Championship, Buchanness RYC, 17th August

Following an enjoyable pre-event social evening on the Friday, the race team and skippers gathered at Buchanness RYC for the 2024 MYA Scottish District DF65 Championship.

Early conditions had the breeze swinging nearly 90deg between southerly and westerly. Thus, two separate windward-leeward courses were set (a N-S and a E-W) to enable a quick switch dependent on conditions. Additional weather marks were also laid to accommodate more minor changes. Both courses were used throughout the day.

Sailing commenced at 11:00am. All skippers chose to use their A+ rigs and, with one exception who later changed to the A rig, the event continued keeping these rigs. However, in some races, occasional gusts over-powered some boats whereas in other races there were significant lulls.

In the morning session there was a considerable tussle for top place with three skippers in contention but other skippers were also returning good scores as well.

In all, eleven races were run. Brian Crawford (Buchanness RYC Commodore and Event Scorer) thanked everyone for their contribution to such a successful event and presented some awards for furthest travelled, good sportsmanship, main driver and to the Event Boatman. Special mention was made of Ian Thomson for the time he spent mowing the grass and making the site so presentable.

The event results were then announced with Bill Odger third, Simon Thomson second and, by a convincing points margin, John Taylor was pronounced the 2024 MYA Scottish District DF65 Champion. John was awarded the brand-new MYA Scottish District Championship Quaich. The support of the MYA in funding this trophy is gratefully acknowledged. John thanked the Buchanness RYC and its race team for hosting this event.

Report (click here)

Results (click here)

Photos (copyright John Owens)

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