The MYA, Volunteers and the 2024 Annual General Meeting
For over 110 years the MYA has been organising Model Yacht racing in the UK, all of which has been carried out by volunteers. These volunteers have come with skills from many backgrounds and make the sport what it is from club level upwards.
Thank you to all volunteers within the sport, without you the MYA does not exist.
The MYA council is made up of similar volunteers, some who continue for a while, and others who commit for just a short term. To ensure the continued success and development of the MYA new volunteers are essential, with fresh ideas and enthusiasm helping the existing council members with their responsibilities. These members are nominated and appointed annually at the AGM.
Nominations are now open for members who wish to stand for a position; please do not feel that you need to be an experienced or skilled sailor to volunteer, many of the best council members past and present brought skills outside of the racecourse or workshop.
Although most council members are willing to stand again, this does not stop members being nominated for any position and should not dissuade you from putting your name on the ballot if you feel you can undertake the role.
To guide the MYA, sport and council members the association is still looking for a dedicated Chair. This role is important in supporting the council officers and giving direction to the MYA. If anyone wishes to discuss this role, please contact me or Jen Hand. In fact, if you wish to discuss anything about the MYA, roles on council or the AGM please contact me or any council officer for a chat.
This year’s AGM will take place on 30th November at The Addison Centre, Addison Howard Park, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8PN.
All members are welcome, and officers will be pleased to discuss any matters with you.
See you all there,
D Ballington
MYA Vice Chair
Email Me