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2024 Manor Park RSC IOM Popup event results.

The rain disappeared, the sun came out and the wind stayed challenging, from the West, and at the top of A suit sails.

Darin Ballington set his preferred course which was a far as you can go that way, to as far the other way, keeping the skippers walking the full length of the control area.

He also sailed so smoothly, to demonstrate how it is done, winning a lot of firsts.  Others were able to imitate his technique, so that in the afternoon there were firsts from Dorian Crease, Simon Richardson and Martyn Aspinall.

The usual fluky winds, wind shifts and squalls meant that every race was another challenge with frequent changes in racing positions.  The windward mark (No 1) was cunningly positioned in the centre of the biggest wind shift area.  The wind hole in the middle of the lake meant that those sailing a sensible centre course often paused, while others sailed past, by the island or nearer the bank.

Since it was Darin’s idea to tune up for the IOM Nationals this weekend, those entries were particularly keen to do well.  Dorian Crease (Britpop) and Simon Richardson (Alioth 3, home-made) were jousting for second and third place, judging the squalls nicely.  Simon unfortunately tangled, failing to win the advantage in the final races.

Robert Wilson, Martyn Aspinall and Pete Walters, were the next group switching race positions, with the wind shifts calling the shots, or yachts diving losing a few positions.

Steve Venables and Simon Fairman are both good friends who duelled it out as well. Then Tracey Ballington and Jen Hand were matching each other until the end.

Stephen Brown and Mike Willett were very relaxed, doing all that they could, having travelled from Huntingdon and Two Islands. Denis Walker had boat and back issues falling well down on his usual enthusiastic sailing.

The race scorer and finish line judge, Colin Walton, only confused 2 finishes, which were amicably resolved.  It helped that every yacht was a different colour, apart from the two reds.  I do think that five yachts on the finish line with two doing a port and starboard collision, right in the middle, would be impossible for any single person to write down…

A full set of results are here: IOM Pre Nationals Pop Up Open

Thank you for a lovely day, with friends, beautifully sailed. Race report by Colin Walton.

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