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2024 IOM Ranking 3&4 Report and Results

Fleetwood is the mecca for radio sailing in the UK if not the world. The specially designed lake has hosted major championships in most of the radio classes if not all of them.

The organisation is always seamless and this weekend we had an extra special celebration of John Taylors retirement from the Royal Navy which warranted a barbeque on Saturday night, a presentation to John by the commodore of Fleetwood, a club decorated with pictures of the many boats John Taylor has designed and the presentation of the top designer award to John as he was not at the AGM to receive it. See MYA downwind for videos of the presentations. Maybe this contributed to the swollen number of entries for the event. The link is here.

Scroll down the MYA Downwind Facebook group for other presentation videos to John.

On Friday 12th July we arrived to a cool breeze blowing straight down the lake from the west at approx. 8mph. If we could have a wind like this for the weekend, we would be very happy sailors and it led to a great afternoon’s tuning. The forecast for Saturday was kind of similar but when we arrived at the lake the wind was blowing in the opposite direction to the forecast. However, a course could be set and we got racing underway after Derek Priestley’s briefing.

In the first seeding race, there was much excitement and the fleet got away after 3 general recalls. Craig Richards led for a while as did Steve Cockerill but both suffered contact with a jelly fish or two and ended up 10th and 12th respectively. This would set the tone for the weekend with challenging racing.

But like the great sailors we are, we all got our heads down and managed the breeze and the jellyfish as best we could. The wind never rose above 8 mph and swung from one end of the lake to the other as the day progressed

The race management team were dealt a difficult deck of cards this weekend but remarkably they were able to set good courses and keep racing going through the weekend. Well done to Derek Priestley and the race team for managing the conditions so well.

Despite the random impact of jellyfish on racing, the cream rose to the top.

Brad Gibson led a charmed life. Sailing fast (in his Post Punk design) and smart he scored a perfect 9 bullets over the weekend, which was a remarkable achievement, and never appeared to be hampered by jellyfish. Brad, please tell us your secret.

Rob Walsh in his Venti had a second and third over the two days and was always in contention but never quite enough to beat Brad.

Darin Ballington had a great 1st day but suffered from the beasties beneath the waves on day 2.

Craig Richard’s was always threatening and on day one suffered from the beasties beneath, but he let rip on day 2 to chase Brad but like Rob Walsh could never pass.
The other protagonists, Graeme Elliott, Chris Harris, Martin Roberts and Peter Stollery all had their moments. I believe Chris Harris won the prize for the most jellyfish in one race counting 7.

It was testament to the organisers that we got 9 races completed in difficult conditions and bearing in mind we had 60 boats.

After racing on Saturday, we were able to enjoy a well earned beer and barbeque.

At the Saturday prizegiving, prizes were handed out for the top 9 finishers and the TOTs team award for the randomly picked teams of two went to Oliver Stollery and Martin Roberts.

Brad Gibson won, Rob Walsh finished second with Darin Ballington third.

At the prizegiving on Sunday the TOTS team award went to Oliver again with Shaun Priestley this time. Brad won the day again with Craig Richards second and Rob Walsh third.

After the main prizes Brad Gibson made a special award for the top two retro designs in the fleet and I use his words.

“Special mentions to George Bennett being the top pre 2010 Retro boat skipper over the 2 days. George was sailing his first open event with a pre 2000 Mirage design and will be one to watch in coming years. Second in the Retro boats was local skipper Tony Wilson with a 2006 Lintel design.
In the home build division, an stand out performance from Ben Harker with his brand new H30 design launched and measured days before the event. Fully designed in every aspect and 3d printed in house by Ben, a run away win in his day 2 seeding race by near half of the lake with solid A fleet results both days a true reward for working hard and not being afraid to challenge current thinking.

Paul Middleton took second place with his own moulded version of an Alternative design, continuing his rise up the ranks with each event.”

Fleetwood, we look forward to returning for the next event.

Finally our thanks to the individuals who dedicated their time for this weekend

Race team

Derek Priestley RO
Shaun Holbeche ARO
Judith Baldwin Scorer
Min Edwards Scorer
Ian Hawtin Observers Marshall
Bob Jolly Master Scorer

Prep team (without whom the event wouldn’t happen.!!)

Event Secretary Bob Jolly
Site organiser Eric Austwick
Lake organiser (not Jellyfish!!) Peter Iles, but he sailed.

Other helpers (flags, MYA signs, protest tent which we didn’t need for once!!) constant tidying up etc.
Paul Fishwick, Rob johnson,

Barbeque cook Smiffy. (Alan Smith)

Finally, the date of the next IOM Nationals was announced to be over Easter 2025 at Lincoln Radio Sailing Club.

Results Day 1

Day 2

Report thanks to Nigel Barrow.

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