Your Sport Needs YOU…….
The MYA is a volunteer based organisation that is recognised around the world as being at the forefront of Radio and Free Sailing, it is rightly acknowledged as being a major contributor to the sport in the areas of:
Race Management
Race Organisation
Skipper Development
All the things that many of us take for granted, unfortunatley this does not happen by accident or by itself, the sport needs people to volunteer to keep the MYA at the top of its game.
2016-17 is going to see a change in personnel on the MYA Council, with a number of people taking a step back. Their efforts, much appreciated will be for nothing unless we can carry on the work.
This is where you the member can step in.
The MYA Council and Sport Needs YOU!
Whether it be at Local, District or National level the MYA needs volunteers to come forward to help with the organisation, promotion and support for OUR sport, with a number of roles from the Chairman down becoming vacant there are lots of positions that need to be filled, and whether you are keen on just one aspect of OUR sport, or whether you like to think at a more strategic level there will always be an open door to a volunteer.
Anyone who is interested in putting something into the sport, or is interested in finding out more about the organisation of our sport please contact your Club Sec, District Councillor or the MYA Chairman, Keith Coxon, for a chat.
Finally, and to paraphrase JFK.
Think not of what the MYA can do for you, but what you can do for the MYA 🙂