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Vane 36 National 2017 Report

Vane 36 National 2017 Skippers

What a cracker! OK the weather wasn’t kind, the wind was not in the right direction or consistent. It was Bournville in all its glory, a thinking person’s lake and it was the same for all taking part. Race Officer Peter Moore and his team had two competitions rolled into one to look after, the National and the first part of the bi annual UK/US Challenge. 19 took part, yes 19, 7 from the US, 1 from Holland and the rest from the UK atruleu international event. When was the last time when the vane National attracted that level of entry, the answer to that is some time ago.

A variety of designs were represented and some had interesting rig configurations, that’s the beauty of this “unrestricted” class, if you want to try an idea out you can. Whatever class offers that opportunity. Let’s get back to the racing, Saturday was difficult, but it was the same for everyone, and as ever the better skippers were at the top of the sheet. Local skipper Pete Hopkins had a brilliant day dropping very little. In those conditions that’s something.

All to change on the Sunday Chris Harris ended up on top with Gosport skipper Peter Fothergill in second and designer Mark Dicks third, Peter was fourth. The USA Challengers had a struggle with the condition, vastly different from what they are used to in California but they soon warmed to the occasion and sailed well, John Fisher was 10th and the rest of the US contingent close behind. Bournville club pulled out all the stops to make all visitors welcome with good food, hot drinks, dry club house and “bosting barby” on the Saturday night. For those not initiated in the West Midlands accent “bosting” is roughly translated as pretty good. The US Challengers go onto Gosport the next weekend and we wish them the best.

Vane 36 Nationals 2017 Results
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