Report and Results – IOMMDCS&C R3 & Mac Collyer Trophy – 30th July 2023

We had a friendly race day, with 18 skippers and 16 races before the rainy drizzle intensified. Somehow the skippers settled into an order, by lunch time, with race eight completed. Then only the top three, comprising Peter Baldwin, Darin Ballington and Dorian Crease, jousted all afternoon to decide the ultimate winner. Peter Baldwin carried off the winners McCulloch trophy silver vase. Stephen Venables sailed very consistently to achieve fourth place with a lot less experience.
It was special to have Stephen Mabbitt and Chris Cheal sailing at their first MYA race. They have a great future ahead. I was interested to see if Lincoln or Manor Park or Two Islands had the strongest team results and can only say that we need a rematch soon. Marvellous to welcome visitors Stephen Brown from Huntingdon and Roger Errington from far Killingworth.
The gusts and shifts meant that it was never a case of just letting the yacht go and tacking twice up to the windward mark, particularly as the wind shifted towards the Western trees. The leeward gate sometimes seemed to favour the port buoy, despite being in the lee of the bank. There was some superb surfing and riding of the gusts downwind with the experts mostly avoiding diving. The skill and seamanship was evident in the lack of any serious collisions or boat tangles or rescues.
I am looking forward to travelling and enjoying the different challenges and hospitality at other clubs, with such an enjoyable group.
Colin Walton
Manor Park Secretary