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RM Ranking 6 Event at Norwich Sunday 6th October.

Sunday dawned and the threat of no wind and weed after Saturday’s event was on everyone’s mind. How pleasant it was when we all arrived at Whitlingham to find that contrary to the forecast of a light Southerly wind, we…

RM Ranking 5 at Norwich Saturday 5th October 2024

Just 12 competitors arrived at Norwich to take part in RM Ranking 5. Showing once again that there are too may events taking place at the same time Wind forecast was 5 – 8 knots from the South. This was…

DF95 Eastern District Champion Skipper (EDCS) – Final standings

With the final event at Huntingdon RYC now completed on Saturday 5th October, I am pleased to present the final standings for the region, we had 33 skippers from 6 district clubs participating, however it would be great to see…

Huntingdon RYC DF95 Open, EDCS3 – 5th October

From far and wide skippers travelled to be with us for our 3rd DF95 open event, after a couple of last-minute cancellations 16 skippers presented themselves to Noel Donaldson who gratefully signed them all on. Once again, a splendid array…

IOM Ranking 6, Sunday 29th September

Here were 48 entries from 22 different clubs sailing 19 different hull designs, including one home designed and 3D printed hull and Brad Gibson’s interesting prototype, for the Oliver Lee Trophy/ranking 6 at Chelmsford MYC. The wind was in a…

Eastern District DF95 Championship – Round 2

On Sunday 22nd September Coal house Fort welcomed 11 skippers for round 2 of the Eastern District DF95 championship on a misty morning with a light easterly breeze. The easterly made course setting a headache, especially as over the day…

DF95 Eastern District Champion Skipper – Event 2

After round two of the DF95 Eastern District Champion Skipper Series (EDCS)  it’s great to see some new faces at the top of the current table, with just one more event to complete at Huntingdon RYC on 5thOctober, there is…

2024 MYA Scottish District IOM Travellers 3 and Scotts of Greenock Trophy, 14th and 15th September

Greenock MY&PBC hosted two days of IOM sailing at Murdieston Dam on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2024. Saturday was the serious day racing for the MYA Scottish District IOM Travellers 3. Sunday was a more relaxed affair racing…

EDCS (Eastern District Champion Skipper) Table after 3 events

Presenting the EDCS (Eastern District Champion Skipper) Table after 3 Opens, Norwich, Huntingdon & Broads, it’s great to see an increase in participating skippers over last year after 3 events, we still have Chelmsford on Sunday 29th September and the…

Norwich 6M Open at Whitlingham – 7th September

NMYC held it’s first 6M Open Event at Norwich on Saturday 07th September. The event was also part of the Eastern District 6M Champion Skipper event. Other events for the competition were held at Harwich and Dovercourt and the Broads…

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