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WS – The Case Book & The Call Book for Radio Sailing 2021-2024

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Many of you may be aware of the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) Case book which indicates how the latest version of the rules should be applied, it is a book that is constantly reviewed and has been compiled based on many real incidents and scenarios over many years. In recent years the IRSA has compiled their own version relevant to Radio Sailing, now, through some committed input from radio skippers across the world this has been updated and adopted by World Sailing for publication on their website for use by all radio sailors.

The MYA has obtained a copy and is available below to download and study, or print for their club use.

Although some may consider this for the “racers” it covers many instances that are commonly found at all levels and may be useful as reference for discussion during coffee breaks at the lakeside for many of us.

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