How do I become a Measurer?
The class rules of the majority of the MYA adopted classes specify that certification is carried out by an Official Measurer. The pathway to becoming a Class Measurer starts with becoming a Sail Measurer who is duly appointed as an Official Measurer. The MYA has been delegated authority to appoint Sail Measurers subject to developing a Sail Measurement course approved by the RYA.
Currently delivery of the Sail Measurement course and appointment of Sail Measurers is carried out by the RYA which runs courses at intervals around the country.
Interested parties should use the Sail Measurer application form below and send it to the MYA Technical Officer.
Once appointed as a Sail Measurer the candidate may apply to become a MYA Class Measurer. This will require study of the general and class specific study material that can be found at this page – MYA Measurer – Resources.
Interested parties should use the Class Measurer form below and send it to the MYA Technical Officer.
Current MYA class measurers retain their appointment until the end of 2023 but will need to be appointed as Official Measurers, as above, if they wish to continue after then.
The full formal agreement with the RYA can be found below.
A list of current measurers can be found at this page – Members Area – Measurers.