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MYA Child Protection Policy

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Child Protection Policy of the MYA

It is the policy of the MYA to safeguard children and young people taking part in model yachting from physical, sexual or emotional harm. The MYA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that, through its clubs, appropriate procedures and training, children participating in MYA activities do so in a safe environment. It is recognised that the safety and welfare of the child is paramount and that all children, whatever their age, gender, disability, culture, ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, social status or sexual identity, have a right to protection from abuse.

As defined in the Children Act 1989, for the purposes of this policy anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. The policy also applies to vulnerable adults.

The MYA actively seeks to;

  • Create a safe and welcoming environment, where children can have fun and develop their skills and confidence.
  • Support and encourage MYA affiliated clubs and class associations to implement similar policies.
  • Recognise that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone.
  • Ensure that MYA-organised events are run to the highest possible safety standards.
  • Be prepared to review its ways of working to incorporate best practice.
  • Treat all children with respect and celebrate their achievements.
  • Respond swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected or actual child abuse.

This policy relates to all volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults in the course of their MYA activities. It will be kept under periodic review.

All relevant concerns, allegations, complaints and their outcome should be notified to the nominated MYA Child Protection Coordinator on Council.

Downloadable version of the latest Child Protection Policy at the bottom of this page.

Further Child Protection information can be found on the RYA website HERE

It is particularly important to ensure that the guidance relating to obtaining written parental consent is followed where applicable.

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