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Champions Cup (also known as Race of Champions)

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The Champions Cup (Also known as the Race of Champions) is an MYA invitation event and is competed for over two days with Marbleheads in even years and International One Metres in odd years. The event is organised as a match race series followed by fleet racing, with the intention that the match race series is completed within the first day’s sailing times.

Invitations are sent out to the following MYA National Champions

1) Defending Champions Cup winner
2) Reigning IOM National Champion
3) Reigning RM National Champion
4) Reigning R6M National Champion
5) Reigning R10R National Champion
6) Reigning RA National Champion
7) Reigning 36 National Champion

After these competitors have confirmed the balance of places up to the required total of 16 will be taken from the relevant ranking list from highest position downwards.

Full regulations and documents can be found below:

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