Goodbye to the Fleet Grandad
It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Joe Binks.
Often looked upon as the Grandfather of our model yachting fleet Joe moved from a background of vane sailing into radio sailing in the early 1990’s building a Rhythm IOM and persuading son Ken (a keen and experienced model flyer) to help him with the electrics, Ken then went with Joe to Eastbourne for his first sail and the rest, as they say, is history.
Joe loved his radio sailing and travelled with younger son Trevor to many ranking and National events probably most notably to the MYA Centenary Celebration World Championship at West Kirby when he dressed in his regimental tie and blazer in honour of the visit from our then Patron HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.
In recent years he was always to be found at the big events at Eastbourne with a smile on his face, especially for the ladies, and a story to tell. He was great company.
Sail on into the sunset Joe, we will miss you.