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On my Slimtel the main sheet post I am reliably informed looks like it's adjustable. But doesn't want to move I was thinking applying local heat from hair drier to post hopefully soften adhesive then using grips or pliers. (Hence the tape) Does this seem sensible or has anyone done it and how did they free it up?

Posted (edited)

If there is an aluminium tube liner as used on some Lintel design boats, that can corrode in time especially if used on salt lakes and not washed thorougly after sailing.  The only solution was slow application (it may take days and 5-10 applications to penetrate to base of tube) of WD40 and then gripping post with molegrips or similar to free it by rotating.  Heat applied to outer tube may help, but I didn't try.  The bottom of the ptfe post usually has an adjustable fitting with a O Ring or similar as a friction lock, when and if you can remove it.  The aluminium tube will need cleaning and lubricating before reassembly once the post is removed.

Edited by Peter Baldwin

Thanks Peter I got a mastic gun nozzle but more funnel like to be interference fit on the post so that WD-40 is localised. So like you say slow and steady better repeat doses to allow it to do it's job. Also something to absorb any which leaks out. Give it time plus regular dose🫰


After soaking for several days definitely week minimum got thinking about using a battery drill set for screw drive torque set low whilst holding tube inside the boat first one way then other. Thinking better grip on the post and shock of clutch slipping probably a two man job plus very gentle worried 😨 realise potential for as Darin points out to shear OMG 


Decided that surgery the only option as the force might damage the hull so the intention is to cut out the old and fit new which doesn't have aluminium so remove the potential for corrosion going forward. Booked in to see boat doctor after sailing on Saturday. Thanks to those who have replied 👍 and a tip 9keep your post lubricated to prevent similar happening to you boat 😃 Another lesson learned about what to look for when purchasing 2nd hand. Might be interesting to see how often the new post gets adjusted over the next year 🤔 

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