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There were many bargains to be had at yesterdays trade show & boat jumble. 

From fully finished IOM lightweight A rig jib booms for £25  to a Britpop with 3 rigs for £600.     A gentleman was making room in his garage and had 4 IOM's for sale at bargain prices and there was an triple crown with rigs in a rig box for offers which ended up being free to a good home!!

There were 3 tables with assorted parts & fittings and assorted sails for various classes, and various hill, fin & rudder parts.  If you need a new fin for your 6m or A you could have bought one!

In addition to all this PJ sails &Potter Soloutions were there doing brisk buisness and Alioth 3D printed IOM's were there chatting to everyone.  There was a gentleman with a "LOOS" type shroud tension gauge for £30, and John Tush talking about DF rig set up, followed by Bill Green answering questions about RMG winches.

All in all a great morning.   If you could have been there you missed a treat.


many thanks to all the traders & "Boat Jumblers" who came.




This was the 2nd AGM I have attended and I had a great time. Lots of things to see and buy. Good company (thanks Chris) and a good venue. The buffet lunch was laid out and most enjoyable and the AGM it’s self was short ,to the point and not too much waffle. 
well done all. 

  • 2 months later...

Sorry Derek,


Of course your Trimaran should have been included in my list of unusual boats on offer at the trade show.   I sincerely hope that you find, or have found, someone to enjoy it. 

Congratulations once again to Solent MYC for winning the MYA League "Step Up" trophy for the most improved club in 2024.     My son & I paid a visit on Boxing day morning to see the annual RLYC  kids model yacht race.  there was very little wind unfortunately, but it was most interesting to see all the different designs & builds that were attempting the challenge.  Saw a few famous faces from Yachting Royalty!!     Took me back to the 70's when I was there with Dave Hollom racing Ashanti Marbleheads with JC, Tim Fuller, David Wargh and Bob Jefferies.   Happy Memories.!


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