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Romanza - Jib points


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The Romanza that I have only has one attachement point to the mast, which is fine for standard and light sails.  Given the high winds recently would a 2nd/3rd suit jib be attached to the same point?  If there should be additional point does anyone have the distance to the deck for them as I cannot find a rigging guide for it.

Many thanks


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I agree it is no great advantage going lower on the mast, remembering that as the wind strength increases the biggest problem with a six is retaining control and the design does tend to lift up and broach so reduction of the main sail area is the prime consideration, in really extreme conditions you still need to be able to sail to windward, on my C suit I have reduced the job area by taking area from the foot of the sail and the roach this increasing the  spot effectively and allowing a greater volume of air through the slot

Mike Ewart

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