DF95 Open (M&S District TT) – 29th May 2024 Report and Results

E&DMYC Princes Park Eastbourne
Race Officer’s Report
Two fleets each averaging12 boats completed 22 races in near perfect weather with Ken Binks winning the event. Well done, Ken.
Entry: There were twenty-seven entrants, who registered on line. This enabled a smooth start to the racing after being checked in on the day. Sadly, three entrants weren’t able to make the day. Competitors came from clubs all over the South East.
Weather: The forecast was spot on for a change with sunshine and warm winds of 16 to 18 mph. Just as well as the day before was wet, cold and windy. Once the course was set, it stayed that way even though the wind continued to back and veer many times making it very challenging to decide which way to go upwind.
Scoring: There were two seeding heats in race 1. After that the first four boats of heat B went up to A and the end of heat A, the bottom four boats went down to heat B. A few boats in fleet A stayed there all day. Such consistency. The ‘Racemaster’ race control system ensured that there were minimal delays between races. Competitors were still needed to be reminded to look at the screen!
Protests: Thanks to the club observers’ protests were avoided with good sportsmanship taking precedence.
Social: The lakeside cafe/restaurant provided good hot drinks and refreshments.
Much louder hailing of competitors’ boat numbers when rules are infringed. The statement ‘One boat must do a turn or both get disqualified’ certainly helped focus a miscreant’s mind!
As Race Officer, I am pleased to say that I considered that the day challenging and enjoyable, achieved by the competitors and race team working together.
Huge thanks go to Mike Parris for a superb job on scoring and rescheduling heats, Thanks also go to the observers and finishing team of Martin Dangerfield, Rob Ahier, Scott Pearce and Bob Palmer, the reception and registration team, Roy Curtis and John Wright.
Peter Kemp