MYA Forum & For Sale Pages – Update
The MYA forum hosting is being changed to align with our current server provider. Please be aware that the MYA forum may be down for between 24 & 48Hrs whilst this change takes place. Whilst we are doing…
News and announcements by MYA Council
The MYA forum hosting is being changed to align with our current server provider. Please be aware that the MYA forum may be down for between 24 & 48Hrs whilst this change takes place. Whilst we are doing…
The MYA Knowledge Base (Kb) has gone through some interesting changes recently designed to make the inclusion and viewing of information more readily available to all those interested in Radio and Free Sailing. Since its inception the MYA Members Area…
If you are after something specific why not give the supplier a call beforehand. Confirmed suppliers for 2015 are now: BG Sails and Design CM Yachts CatSails Housemartin Sails K Bits PJ Sails Peter Popham & RC Winches RC Yachts…
Rowheath Pavillion, Bournville is the venue for the 2015 AGM and Trade Show and at just over a week away on Saturday 28th November it will be full of the usual class and supplier stands. All AGM documents and Officer…
Mike was Secretary to Council for a number of years and made a large contribution to the running of the association during this time.
Statement from MYA Chairman Following on from my statement of the 19th October 2015 concerning the late notification of Council Motions I have had some responses indicating that some members are technically concerned that Council filed an amendment requesting approval…
The 2015 MYA AGM and Trade Show will be held on Saturday 28th November at the Rowheath Pavilion, Birmingham. (Great Cafe for Coffee and cake!) For those who havent been before the MYA Trade Show is held in the…