Calling all Class Owners…..
Your Class Captains will soon start to communicate with you directly on class matters.
As a member of the MYA and where you own a boat in those classes is collected via your database profile within the Members Area on the MYA website.
If you wish to be included in communication via the MYA Class Captains it is important that your member profile is up to date and includes the classes of which you are owners. If you do not tick the classes you own you will not get direct communication on the classes you sail.
Please log in to the Members Area, click on “Edit your profile” , check all your details and add or remove any of the classes you are involved in.
Thanks for helping us.
MYA Racing Officer
Note the “Edit your profile” section is where you can change any of your contact details. If you do update your address or email, please ensure your club also has this up to date information.