April 2024 Council Meeting Update and Reports

In the January meeting we broadly agreed that our objectives for 2024 would be:
Communication, Participation and Skills Development
So far, we have increased communication through our website from the council, well done and thank you to all council members for this.
However, it is apparent that we need to continue to promote the use of the website to the membership, reports are that many club members do not see it as the place to search for news and information. This also relies on us, and our members presenting the information to Austin (Digital Communication Officer) or the District Webmasters for posting on the website. We must acknowledge that social media, Facebook in particular, demands, and delivers the instant race news that our members like but promotion of the events and reports are always welcomed on the MYA website, with the added benefit that they are archived rather than just being lost in the world of social media. Please keep sending club, district, and officer news to Austin and or the District Webmasters.
Participation at club level is good, reports back are that mid-week sailing is thriving with good turnouts. I will caution against removing weekend sailing completely, particularly if we wish to encourage younger members but it is great to see our club sailing is popular. District sailing is not in the same position, numbers appear to be down in most districts and as a council we need to investigate the reasons for this. District sailing is an important part of our structure and when strong can create fantastic sailing amongst local skippers. So far in 2024 the highest level of events are being well attended, the DF TT events are now well established and the more traditional classes are being supported, this is very encouraging given the current costs of accommodation and fuel. I can only encourage people to attend these events, they are a great way to meet new people and improve your skills with like-minded skippers.
If you are hosting an event, please let Austin and your District Councillor know early and the council will do what we can to promote your event.
The final element that we have discussed for 2024 is to create some simple “How to…” guides for elements of our sport. We are trying to keep this achievable so won’t commit to a number but hope that these can draw on the existing knowledge in a format that helps members new and old in developing their skills, in boat set up, care and maintenance along with race tactics and event management. If you have any requests, please contact Jen (Secretary to Council) or your District Councillor and we will endeavor to provide something.
Our reports for the April meeting have now been published in the members area here.
Darin Ballington
MYA Vice Chair