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2023 MYA Member’s Yearbooks start to drop on doorsteps

The first batch of 1800 member’s 2023 Yearbooks will by now be dropping onto doormats across the country. The compilation of the annual publication is quite a task for a small group, and we would like to thank them for this.
The hard work pays off when we get emails like the one below:

“I am delighted with this year’s MYA yearbook.  Thank you for all the effort that has gone in.  I really do appreciate all the personal support that the MYA provides, especially when my communications can be a bit scrambled.

The Midlands region will continue to take full advantage.

Colin Walton”

Thanks Colin, we try our best 😉
If you don’t receive your yearbook in the next few days please check in the Members area to confirm we have your details, and if you find an error please contact your club rep who will help resolve this.
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