2022-2023 IOMMDWCS Final Positions

Following the final round of this winter’s IOM Midland Champion Skipper at Manor Park RSC this weekend we now can crown the series champion, who is Rob Wilson (97) of the Lincoln RSC. The trophy is the “Harry Briggs Trophy” and we will get it presented to Rob later in the season.
Because of frozen lakes and the like we had to change a few of the originally planned dates but thanks to the clubs and race teams we were able to get 33 races in total from the 3 hosting venues. 37 skippers scored in at least one round, and 3 skippers (Rob Wilson, John Burgoine & Nick Probyn) sailed every race at every event. There were also 11 clubs represented from 3 MYA districts. So, thanks to all for attending, and we hope to see you again.
A full list of the final positions is here: 22-23 IOMMDWCS Skippers Final Results v1 5-3-2023
Appologies to Denis Walker (100) he had two entries on the results sheet as he sailed on both jib 00 & 100 and it got missed on the checking, and Simon Richardson actually sailed all races so his score has been updated.
We now turn our thoughts to the first of the Midland District IOM Summer Series (IOMMDCS&C) with the first event being hosted by Watermead MBC on 19th March 2023.