2021 M Ranking 1 & 10R Ranking 3 Reports
2021 Marblehead Ranking 1 Saturday 20th November at Norwich
Saturday morning saw 12 competitors from 7 different clubs turn up at Whitlingham Broad to take part in the 2021 Marblehead Ranking event No 1.
Conditions were Reasonable with a W -SW light breeze Varying between 2 to 8 knots which made for some interesting sailing and some dramatic wind shifts.
PRO Vinnie Zammit and his NMYC team laid a Windward Leeward course which although simple still left some sailors scratching their heads.
From the start the cream rose to the top with Graham Bantock, Duncan Ellis, Peter Stollery and Tony Edwards all taking top spot before lunch, with our local “Hero” Duncan Ellis leading the pack at the break.
After lunch GB started to get into gear and slowly started to overhaul the rest of the fleet with some impressive results, his worse result being a third.
Mention must be made of young Oliver Stollery, the youngest ever competitor at Norwich. He showed his worth in race 12 achieving a 6th place and beating his father, could this be yet another generation of the Stollery’s going to the top. Well done Oliver!
Mention must go to the Local Sailors who stuck to their tasks and in the end learning an awful lot from their distinguished visitors. Well done Ian Self on achieving a 2nd and 3rd place .
After 13 races and the light fading rapidly it was decided to call it a day just after 3PM.
Congratulation also go to the race team especially Val for doing the scoring and Mo on the finish line and providing the Lemon Drizzle Cake.
10R Ranking 3 at Norwich 22 November 2021
Just 5 competitors turned up at Norwich to take part in 10R Ranking 3. All but 1 had competed in the RM Ranking Event the day before.
The weather was bitterly cold with what started as a brisk Northerly wind which every now and then dropped to nil and then in the space of a minute blew up again.
This became a headache for PRO Vinnie Zammit and his team, however a course was set across the lake which allowed for 3 beats to windward before finishing on the run.
From the start Graham Bantock showed his worth winning the first 3 races and then another 3 before lunch thereby leading the event, following him was Duncan Ellis who managed to win 3 races himself.
After lunch much the same resumed with GB winning another 6 races Duncan winning another 3 and Hugh Mcadoo squeezing one in himself.
Sympathy must go to Roy Stevens, who’s boat seemed to have fallen in love with the Norwich buoys and was consistently hugging them. Roy eventually retired leaving as many race team as competitors.
Mention must be made of Phil Holiday who sailed some good races, but it just was not his day.
Well done the race team in supporting the event in what can only be described as lousy cold weather.
Well done GB on winning the 6M National, RM Ranking 1 and 10R Ranking 3 at Norwich on his last 3 visits