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2016 M Ranking 2 @ Keighley – report

A  quick report as the fleet retires to The Vaults in Ilkley.

22 skippers presented themselves to the line for the 2nd M Ranking of 2016; PRO John Tushingham deciding that the fleet would sail as a single heat given the distance to the start line and size of the lake. A biting Northerly breeze filled in to give a mix of A and B rig racing, with those on conventional rigs happier to stay on A, but B was probably the correct call, particularly towards the end of the day.

Racing was always tight but the names towards the top were consistent and the clear winner at the end of the day was Brad Gibson, with a good gap back to Peter Stollery who just managed to squeeze out Graham Bantock.

Full results will follow when available.

Lots of good fun racing with many achieving good results, although a special mention to Sail Terry who after an ample helping of Cottage Pie and Lemon Tort with extra cream (Courtesy of Liz Tushingham and the ladies of Keighley KDMES), put in a string of top 4 results. More of the same tomorrow Terry?

Food is arriving now, so more to follow on Monday.


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